Right Diet For Your Blood Type (THE BLOOD TYPE SOLUTION)

2, Mon 3rd, Oct 2022, 11:24

Your blood type diet (BTD) lets your zero in on the health and nutrition information that corresponds to your exact biological profile. Armed with this information you can now make choices about your diet, exercise regimens, and general health that are based on the dynamic natural forces within your own body. Hence are some basic steps to take before you begin your BTD


1. Learn (know) your blood type.

2. If you want and additional level of information that will aid your compliance, learn your secretion status (tears, digestive juices, perspiration, semen etc)

3. Write down your primary goals for the BTD and articulate how you will measure success 



- Weight loss

- Blood sugar normalization 

- Lower cholesterol 

- Lower triglycerides (carbohydrates)

- Clearer thinking 

- Normal blood pressure 

- Reduced allergy or allergy symptoms 

- Reduced asthma symptoms 

- More energy 

- Better sleep cycle 

- Chronic pain reduction or resolution 

- More muscular strength 

- Fewer seasonal colds and flu 

- Less bloating and digestive comfort 


The BTD is a way to restore the natural protective functions of the immune system, reset your metabolic click and clear your body of dangerous agglutinating lectins. It slows down cell deterioration thus slow aging 

Each of the blood type diet (BTD) including twelve food groups 

- Meat and poultry 

- Seafood

- Dairy and eggs

- Oils and fats 

- Nuts and seeds 

- Beans and legumes 

- Grains and cereals 

- Vegetables 

- Fruits 

- Beverages, teas and coffee

- Herbs and spices 

- Condiments, sweeteners and additives.


Each of these groups divides food into three categories: Highly beneficial, neutral and avoid.

1. Highly beneficial: Is a food that acts like Medicine. It advances your health or protects you from possible illnesses  

2. Neutral; is a food that acts like food. It provides required micronutrients and caloric energy. Contain nutrients necessary for balanced diet.

3. Avoid: Is a food that acts like a poison. It induces biological disorders or increases your chances of disease based on differences between the blood type. 

It is not only the foods we eat that determine our wellbeing. It is also the way our body uses those nutrients for good or ill. That is where stress comes in.

Stress related disorders cause 50-80% 0f all illness in modern life. We know how powerfully the mind influences the body and vice versa. Examples of stress related illnesses are: high blood pressure, migraine headaches, arthritis, and other inflammatory diseases, asthma and other respiratory diseases, insomnia and other sleep disorders, eating disorders, variety of skin problems, herpes, eczema etc. 

Nobody is immune to the effects of stress. Each of us reacts to stress in a unique way especially when it is unwanted and prolonged. Not all stress is bad for you. Certain stress, such as physical or creative activity, produces pleasant emotional states, which the body perceives as an enjoyable heightened mental or physical experience. 

Your BTD includes a description of your own, blood type stress pattern, along with the recommended course of exercise that will turn stress into a positive force. This element provides a crucial complement to your diet. Our personality is a mixture of nature and nurture, with nurture probably being the major influence. 


Thus, this elements- diet, weight management, dietary supplementation, stress control, and personal quantities – form the essential elements of your individual Blood Type Diet.


It is a particular environment (including the body or part of the body) 

Human microbiome is the aggregate of all microbiota that resides on or within human tissues and biofluids.

Microbiota is the wide varity of miroorganisms tha live in a certain environment. The human microbiota includes all bacteria, viruses, fungi and other single called organisms living in the human body.

Microbiota plays a fundamental role on the induction, training and functioning of the host immune system. 


Proteins obtain from the seeds of leguminous plants but also from many other plants and animal sources that have binding sites for specific mono or oligosaccharides in cell walls or membranes

N/B Do me this favor;

Find out your blood type

Blood Group Type and Diet


≠ Enhances carbohydrate metabolism, helps with weight loss.

≠ Increase microbriome, diversity, discourages microbial imbalance.

≠ Decreases microbriome diversity, encourages microbial imbalance.